Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Support for teachers

 (3) Post at least 3 resources that you find beneficial for your blog.
The Support  for Teachers link  is one that talks on what  special education teachers face great challenges - school reform opportunities coupled with No Child Left Behind and the new Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; diverse role expectations from administrators, general education teachers, and parents; demanding case loads; increased amounts of paperwork; and lack of resources. Despite these challenges, special educators continue to give of themselves and ensure their students receive the best education possible.

Addressing Bumps in the Collaboration Road
Collaboration is characterized by subtlety, and seldom does just one factor contribute to a problem in the relationship. Perhaps participants have differing views on the value of reading instruction in middle school. This difference of opinion is magnified when one person has a negative experience with a general education teacher over a reading assignment. this article is great in the idea that it touches on the fact that though collaboration can be great but at the same time it can also hinder learning and teaching. 
CES releases New Standards
CEC’s recently developed standards for advanced roles in special education break new ground. The standards outline the knowledge and skills special educators who are experienced, seeking an advanced degree or certification, or going into administration or higher education should know.

Lessons from the trenches

Co teaching and the harshness that come with it and how some teachers preview it in the high school level and everything.  Interesting aspect of how some schools handle the idea of two teachers in the classroom.

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