Monday, November 26, 2012


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Disability Presentation

Legal Definition- Simultaneous hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness.



·         Illness

·         Accident

·         Genetic syndrome like Usher Syndrome

·         Premature birth

·         Meningitis

·         Post-natal complications



·         Auditory impairment and visual impairment with vision loss being the primary disability

  Auditory impairment and vision impairment with auditory impairment as the primary disability

  Auditory impairment and blindness; deafness and visual impairment, and deaf-blindness

  Congenitally Deaf-Adventitiously Blind

  Congenitally Deaf-Blind

  Adventitiously Deaf-Blind

  Adventitiously Deaf-Congenitally Blind



  Hard of Hearing-Blind

  Hard of Hearing-Visually Impaired

  Deaf-Visually Impaired




·         Dependent on others

·         Communication

·         Navigating surroundings

·         Finding social, living, and employment situations

·         Reaction from others because of differences


  Learning Strategies-

  Talk with student (where possible) to see what resources they require.

  Assisted Listening Devices- Small device worn by instructor that increases volume and clarity of lecture.


  Note takers



  Handouts that are converted into students preferred reading style (i.e. braille)

  Large Print/Braille Materials or Taped Textbooks

  Reading Machines

  Audiovisual Materials

  Oral tests, extended test time, reading machine, better lighting and possibly test converted to braille


Additional Resources

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